


As a point moves, its path becomes a line. A line has length but no breadth. Instead, a line has position and direction and is bound by points. A line forms the border of a plane. It is created by movement. Since our eyes have to follow it, a line has the potential to suggest movement...therefore a line is capable of infinite variety. A line is a minimum statement, made quickly with a minimum effort, but seemingly able to convey all sorts of moods and feelings...


Jorinde Voigt

Untitled 11-14,#11


Artist 1: Line (Li) Texture (5) Form(+7)


Lebbeus Woods

Conflict Space, Series


Designer 1: Line (Li) Texture (5) Modular(+6)


Saul Bass

Man with the Golden Arm


Designer 2: Line (Li) Balance (3) Form(+7)


Matthew Ritchie

Ten Possible Links, Night Drawing


Artist 7: Line (Li) Scale (4) Modular(+6)



Any time the two end points of a line come together, a shape is created.Shapes are two-dimensional areas with a recognizable boundary. They can be open or closed, angular or round, big or small. Shapes can be organic or inorganic. They can be free-form or geometric and ordered. There are an endless variety of shapes and combination of shape, each communicating its own meaning and message. Most of the time the meaning behind shapes and combined shapes is cultural...



Balance defines symmetry as the correspondence in size, form, and arrangement of parts on opposite sides of a plane, line, or point. This is essentially the long way of saying that symmetry is two halves that perfectly mirror each other. Balance is closely related to symmetrical design. It helps a symmetrical design achieve stability. ‍Asymmetrical design‍ is where the two halves are balanced but do not mirror each like symmetrical design...



Scale is the dimensional element defined by other elements of design size relative to art, its surroundings, or in relation to humans. Scale is the size of an element as it relates to its usual physical size. When scale is used in a design, it can greatly influence the meaning of the work. Determining classic scale when working with visual design can be achieved using the Golden Section, or the Divine Proportion. Phi helps determine classic scale...



Texture is the visual design element which refers to the surface of an object. There are two types of texture: tactile and implied. Texture is one of the more subtle design elements. It can make an image richer and more interesting, but is not likely to save a poor composition all by itself. Tactile texture is texture which we can feel or touch. Tactile texture, also referrred to as "real texture" is 3-dimensional. Implied tecture is a 2-dimensional illusory texture which can be seen but not touched...



Modular is a design approach that subdivides a system into smaller parts that can be independently created and then used in different systems. A modular system can be characterized by functional partitioning into discrete scalable, reusable modules, rigorous use of well-defined modular interfaces, and making use of industry standards for interfaces.Modularity offers other benefits such as augmentation (adding new solution by merely plugging in a new module), and exclusion...



Form may be described as any three-dimensional object. Form can be measured, from top to bottom (height), side to side (width), and from back to front (depth). Form is also defined by light and dark. It can be defined by the presence of shadows on surfaces or faces of an object. There are two types of form, geometric (man-made) and natural (organic form). Form may be created by the combining of two or more shapes. It may be enhanced by tone, texture and color. It can be illustrated or constructed...



The repetition or reoccurrence of a design element, exact or varied, which establishes a visual beat. Rhythm is created by movement implied through the repetition of elements of art in a non-uniform but organized way. It is related to rhythm in music. Unlike pattern, which demands consistency, rhythm relies on variety...



Hierarchy is defined as "any system of persons or things ranked one above another." It is a system that helps us define order and organization.‍ In design, hierarchy is usually discussed and referred to as visual hierarchy. Visual hierarchy is extremely important in design since it controls how the human eye perceives the order of the information on the page - "it tells a story about your page site." Creating visual hierarchies makes it simple for the viewer to identify what is most important on page and what they should be looking for...



A grid is a structure (usually two-dimensional) made up of a series of intersecting straight (vertical, horizontal, and angular) or curved guide lines used to structure content. The grid serves as an armature or framework on which a designer can organize graphic elements (images, glyphs, paragraphs, etc.) in a rational, easy-to-absorb manner. A grid can be used to organize graphic elements in relation to a page, in relation to other graphic elements on the page, or relation to other parts of the same graphic element or shape....