
more info: about this publication

10e is a conceptual interface that demonstrates a new language for organizing artists and designers. This interface is an attempt to mitigate the overwhelming physical publication by creative a mild system of interactivity, where you click and decode informational content of an artist / designer. Inspired by the periodic table of elements, each artist/designer is made up of elements that can be arranged in a variety of ways

(click for visual breakdown)

When you hover over an element all the numeric and letter form elements that make up each artist/designer become highlighted in yellow and red. This is to show how frequent the elements are used throughout the interface. The column that is immediately below each icon is also highlighted in yellow and red. This confirms that all of the artists/designers that are highlighted have work that is dominantely comprised of that element.

Throughout this project, I spent time exploring each of the artists/designers work, carefully to curate and demonstrate the variety of ways a formula can be generated. This notion of creating a language of numbers, icons and letters is an attempt to create a syatem that categorises content efficiently. Although this new system is not 100% resolved, I anticipate that it opens doors for discussion and creates a dialogue for the user and myself to question work: what is this really made out of? What are the qualities and make this 'thing' be what it is?...As I surfed the web and buried myself in the library, I made notes for each artist / designer using this system. Whichever elmeent felt the most dominant in their work, I immediately filed the artist/designer into that element column. Any other elements that felt or appeared to show in the work became the numeric sub elements.

By including these sub elements into the system, each artist/designer that is filed becomes unique and complex. Therefore, when you click on the formula, the artist/designer's name appears highlighted and an index box populates, showing an image of the work that was hand-picked. The index card is designed to clarify and visually show the elements within the formula or code. The index card includes a link to the artist/designers personal page, as well as the name and date of the work.I hope this blurb prepares you for the upcoming interface.

If you have any questions or would like to chat, please e-mail me at:


thank you.